“Ordeal” is a thought-provoking bronze sculpture crafted by the talented artist Kumi Samuel. This artwork delves into the cultural narrative of a Bodi tribe where men spend six months putting on as much weight as possible by eating fatty food to develop a large belly. This act symbolizes their sincerity and commitment to their future wives, who aspire to marry with confidence in love, stability, and the enduring traditions of their tribe.
Kumi Samuel expertly employs the ceramics shell technique in conjunction with bronze casting to bring this poignant story to life. The intricate details in the sculpture convey the emotional depth of the narrative, highlighting themes of love, tradition, and the resilience of tribal life.
A sculpture representing the traditions of a tribe
A sculpture representing the traditions of a tribe
A sculpture representing the traditions of a tribe
A sculpture representing the traditions of a tribe
A sculpture representing the traditions of a tribe
A sculpture representing the traditions of a tribe
A sculpture representing the traditions of a tribe
A sculpture representing the traditions of a tribe
Bronze Sculptures, Figure Sculptures, Portrait SculpturesNovember, 2017
Vessavana, also known as Thao Wessuwan, is a revered deity among the Four Great Heavenly Kings, serving as the sovereign of Asuras. He acts as a protector of Buddhism and guards the human world in the north. He is also revered as the deity of prosperity, possessing immense wealth and treasures.
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Bronze Sculptures, Portrait SculpturesJanuary, 1970
Discover the profound journey of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar through the artistry of SculptureSense, as we delve into the creation of a striking portrait sculpture that pays homage to his revolutionary spirit and enduring influence.
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